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Healing Testimony

Dee Ramthun

Dear RHEMA Family and Friends,

Your stories matter.

In November, 2016, I was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma, a lymphatic cancer. On April 26, 2017 I was given a clean bill of health from my doctors after going through both medical treatment and what I like to refer to as supernatural treatment from God’s Word. And after three years now, everything is good and everything is gone. I am very thankful for the highly specialized and professional service of my docters in Norway: my primary physician and the specialists at Ullevål and Radium Hospitals. I would also like to express extreme thankfulness to our pastors, Thomas og Katrine Åleskjær and the staff at Oslo Christian Center, as well as other dedicated ministers of the Gospel which I mention in this short testimony.

Ten months before the diagnose came, I was driving 2 hours every day back and forth to school for two months, listening to Keith Moore’s CD series “God’s Will to Heal – 30 reasons we know it’s God’s will for ALL to be healed”. I had just gotten a hold of this teaching series and was impressed to listen to it. Looking back, I see this as preparation time for what was to come.

Six months later, my attention was drawn to an article by Creflo Dollar entitled “Five Revelations That Saved My Life” and spoke about his healing from an aggressive form for prostate cancer. Still in preparation mode.

Then four days after I got my doctor's report, I "just happened " to be watching a church service when the pastor, Keith Moore, felt led to lay hands on and minister healing to the congregation. And then he said, "You who are watching on the internet, get ready, this is for you too." The prayer which he led us in, proved to be a great source of strength and boldness early on and throughout the year. The prayer/confession goes like this:

"The holy, healing power of God has flooded into me, driving out anything and everything that's been harming, harassing, damaging or destroying. God's healing anointing is mightily at work within me, driving out every evil thing and effecting a healing and a cure and full restoration in Jesus' name. I am loosed! I am free! I am delivered! I am healed! I am the redeemed of the Lord! I am made whole in Jesus' name! I believe that I receive complete healing, complete deliverance and complete restoration in Jesus' name! Thank You, Lord!“

The fact that this unexpected healing ministry happened just four days after geting the diagnosis, blessed and blesses me beyond telling. I experienced it as a special, tailor-made, personal word of encouragement. And sometimes I would tell myself, "Boy, you got hugged by the Holy Spirit!!" (Of course, this ministry and these blessings are for anyone who wants them.) Hebrews 13:5 (Amplified) rings extra true in this context, "God Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you, nor give you up, nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake you, nor let you down, nor relax My hold on you! Assuredly not!”

Through my five months of treatment, different stories and testimonies came to my remembrance and were sources of encouragement and help. They were stories of healing, provision and God's miraculous intervention, and all testified to His willingness and ability to bless and help us. I suspect each one of us have similar stories, either experienced personally or those told to us while attending RHEMA. I'm so happy that two RHEMA Bible Training Schools are now active in Norway and looking to expand to all the Nordic countries. I'm thankful that men and women are still being trained here and all over the world to bring the message of faith and these faith-filled stories to met the needs of precious people living in our neighborhoods, cities and nations.

Thank you for having a part and supporting RHEMA in however the Lord leads you. I look forward to hearing your stories.

Warm greetings from RHEMA Norway!

  • Dee Ramthun


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